
Mars might make an interesting possibility for a crew space trip in the future, but that is not the place you want to approve. From its thin and rich carbon atmosphere to frozen temperature, not to mention all radiation, this is an environment that is very hostile to human life. But Mars and Bumi were very similar, and they only deviate to very different places that we see today from time to time. Now, researchers have found clues about how the earth avoids being a remote desert like Mars, and it is all related to the interior of this planet.

Earth’s secret weapons that make him friendly to live are magnetosphere, which protects life on the ground from dangerous cosmic radiation. However, the Earth’s magnetic field dipped a large -magnitude -565 million years ago, down to only 10% of its strength today (through the University of Rochester). Fortunately for us, this field regained its strength before the Cambrium explosion, when various new animal species appear in a short period of time.

Why is the magnetic field right back its strength has become an open question, but new research from scientists at the University of Rochester provides several clues.The strengthening of the planet’s magnetic field occurs at the same time when the sturdy inner core on the planet is formed, and these two events appear to be connected.

“The Inner Core is very important,” said one of the research papers, John Tarduno. “Right before the inner core began to grow, the magnetic field was at a collapsed point, but immediately after the inner core began to grow, this field was regenerated.”

Looking for ancient rocks for answers

Scientists know that the earth’s magnetic field was created by the outside core of the planet, where the liquid metal flows and creates an electric current that produces terrain. So they are interested in how the interior of this planet develops, but this is difficult to learn.

To understand how the earth’s interior changes from time to time for this job, researchers see very old minerals that have been prevented to the surface of the planet (through the University of Rochester). It contains magnetic particles that still have information about the planet’s magnetic field when they are formed from liquid into solid rocks.

From this information, the researchers can determine that the magnetic field recovered with a power of around 550 million years ago, which is 15 million years after going down, and when a solid inner core is considered to have been formed. The core of the inner part “recharges” the outer core and increases the ability to produce its magnetic field.

“Because we limit the age of the inner core more accurate, we can explore the fact that the current core of the inner part actually consists of two parts,” said Tarduno. “The plates of tectonic movements on the surface of the earth indirectly affect the core of the inner part, and the history of these movements is printed deep in the earth in the inner core structure.”

Without the regeneration of the earth’s magnetic field, it could be like Mars, which lost its magnetic field over time, making it vulnerable to radiation. This finally caused Mars to lose its water. So be thankful for our planet’s interior, who saved us from that fate.

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